Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Time Manegment

I will tell you right off the bat there will not be that much writen because I am the worst procatinator so obviosly I the consiqinses of this is your grades suffer. I thaink my procastination begain some time in grade school eiather in second or third grade or what ever grade we started getting home work. Now that I thaink about it I realize that teachers and other aduls enabled me in procastinating. I thaink if they just said well it was due and you did not turn it in so it is late, in other words tough luck. because I never learnd it the hard way the first time. I think another reason they did enable me was because I have ADHD/ADD and had an IEP. Now that I am in college I am learning it the hard way because I never developed the skilles to studie and do homework. What I need to start doing is forcing myself to do home work because I have plenty of time to do it and there is no eccuse for me to not do it, it is that plain and simple. I should not be blaming just the adults I should be blamming my self the most.

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